1. Target Service Availability
As used herein, the term “Service Availability” refers to the percentage of a particular month (based on 24-hour days for the number of days in the subject month) that the Exabel Platform and the Software Products are available for access, excluding periods of planned maintenance.
Excluding planned maintenance, Exabel shall maintain a minimum of 99.8% Service Availability on the Exabel Platform and the Software Products for each and every month.
2. Definition of Problem Severity Priorities

3. Target Response times
Exabel’s support team will monitor the Platform with the goal of discovering Problems early, but will also rely on reporting from external users about Problems, as described in the next section.

4. Problem communication and problem escalation procedures
If a Partner or Client discovers a Problem, Exabel should be notified immediately on support@exabel.com. The following information should be included:
- Name, telephone number and email address of the problem / question initiator
- The Severity Priority of the Problem
- A description of the Problem, including, when possible, error messages, description of steps leading to Problem, screen dumps, etc.
- Exabel’s support engineer will log the incident, and assign a case ID. The case ID will be used thereafter to reference and track the case. Exabel’s engineers will take the necessary steps to resolve the problem including initiating Exabel’s escalation procedures. Exabel’s escalation procedures ensure that the appropriate Exabel personnel are notified of a Problem in a timely fashion and that Exabel’s resources are allocated when and if necessary to bring closure to a given Problem.
Exabel’s support engineer will keep the reporter and other relevant stakeholders informed about progress until the Problem is resolved.