We are pleased to announce that Exabel is gaining momentum, with three of Norway’s top financial institutions already on board.
They are testing an early preview of Exabel Intelligent Monitoring – a fully automated monitoring tool for finance professionals. The tool detects abnormal market price movements and price driving news events in real time, and is an AI based companion to human workflows.
A major milestone
Going live with the pilot program is a major milestone for the company. With invaluable pilot feedback to validate the product direction, we are on track to go to market with our first product in 2019.

Top players in the region
We are proud to have some of the top finance professionals in Norway in the pilot program.
- DNB Asset Management is one of the largest asset managers in the Nordic region with more than 60 billion EUR assets under management.
- Folketrygdfondet manages 260 billion NOK, and is the largest institutional investor on the Oslo Stock Exchange.
- Arctic Fund Management manages a total of 14,5 billion NOK in mutual funds and discretionary portfolios.
Be sure to put your name on the mailing list to get updates about the product development.
P.S. We are hiring a data engineer and a front-end developer.